When placed next to each other, complementary colors tend to look balanced and are colors opposite to each other on the color wheel also, when placed next to each other they appear to become brighter.
They are also used together in Colour Therapy to give balance. We need the balance of the electric/cool colours and the magnetic/warm colours for our wellbeing and smooth functioning of our bodies.
Complementary colours are opposite each other on the colour wheel,
Color | Complementary Color | Result |
Violet |
Yellow |
Violet and Yellow |
Indigo |
Orange |
Indigo and Orange |
Blue |
Red |
Red and Blue |
Green |
Magenta |
Green and Magenta |
Yellow |
Violet |
Yellow and Violet |
Orange |
Indigo |
Orange and Indigo |
Red |
Blue |
Red and Blue |
Magenta |
Green |
Magenta and Green |
Magenta is the eighth color and is not part of the visible spectrum, but is a combination of red and violet, thus combining the energies of those two colors. That is to say, that magenta helps us to use our earthly experience and grounding together with intense spiritual awareness. It can help to release past conditioning and help us to move forward.