When you visit a Colour Therapist you should be greeted in a friendly and professional manner and welcomed into a calm and comfortable environment. The Colour Therapist should be fully qualified in the field and their expertise should include Anatomy and Physiology. Always ask for sight of their qualifications if you are unsure.
What to expect
The first consultation with a Professionally qualified Colour Therapy practitioner should normally be longer than subsequent visits since time has to be allowed for taking patient details, for the purposes of proper records, and for full discussion of the reason for the visit and, not least, time should be given for the patient to relax.
During the first consultation, through discussion with the patient, the practitioner can assess the appropriate course of treatment and discuss the different methods available to suit that individual. The practitioner should also explain how colour can be used by the patient in their every day life as an endorsement of the treatment they are receiving.
A consultation with a Professionally qualified Colour Therapy practitioner should be a comfortable and relaxing experience during which the patient feels they are an equal partner in the process.